So you may be wondering why my posts have been a little absent in the last couple of weeks, and also why I failed to post pics of my Malanka dresses, WELL, I had a little accident at Geelong Malanka (the first one) that rendered my left arm useless for a couple of weeks...
I bought a lovely new pair of shoes from Karen Millen (with matching purse), but I was in a rush & failed to get them re-soled with proper grippy soles. I think you can see where this story is headed, but I'm relive it for embarrassment's sake...
I was having a lovely time chatting away at Malanka... My friends had just set up the food on our table & came & told me. I was hungry so headed on over. I had to cross the dance floor to get there. I took one step out onto the dance floor before slipping (in quite a spectacular fashion), & I landed flat on my back*. I lay there for a good 5 minutes before I could work out what I'd actually done. It ended up that I'd bruised my coccyx (?), & sprained my arm very badly**.
There was some good news though - I managed to fall and land without spilling my untouched drink!
The worst news was that I had to break my shoe rule of 'if you wear them there, you wear them all night AND you wear them home'. I did still wear my shoes home - I just couldn't wear them on the dance floor :(
Despite the dramas and rule-breaking, it was a wonderful night anyway, we danced, drank, sang & jumped on stage with the band.
I'll put up pictures of the dress I wore later in the week.
* My friend later told me that she didn't know it was me that had fallen & only saw the shoes on my feet. She thought 'what lovely shoes'. All of a sudden I felt like the witch that gets crushed by the house in the Wizard of Oz (or the hilarious parody in Anthology of Interest 2 - Futurama), don't ask me why, but it made me laugh...
** I didn't actually find this out until the next morning, when I finally decided I should go the emergency room to get it checked. Whoops...