I have wardrobe with quite a large amount of fabric hanging up. I have a nasty habit of buying more fabric than I will need if I go to the fabric store, or worse still picking up a couple of metres of that cute fabric that I'm sure I'll find something to make with when I get home. So I made myself a promise that I would find fun ways to use the fabric I had before buying a whole heap more.
On the weekend though I was quite innocently browsing through the Chapel St bazaar with G. & stumbled across a vintage fabric store. I resisted all the beautiful vintage 60s & 70s haberdashery fabrics that I've been dying to make a cute little pair of shorts out of and (thanks to the extraordinary price tags) my willpower held true when I saw the gorgeous 30s prints that were just dying to be turned into knee-length gathered wrap skirts a la Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. However I found when I found 2m of this vintage 50s wool for $35 I couldn't hold out any longer.

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